To upload a dataset you must create a project. Create a new project or Select a project from the project list.
Add a Point Cloud Dataset
From the Project Dashboard, select the Point Cloud Datasets tab, then click Add
Complete the point cloud dataset details
1. Dataset name
2. Dataset description (required)
3. Optionally select to be notified by email when upload is complete (ideal for large files)
Click Upload
Select file to upload
1. Select file using Select File button, or drag and drop file into file upload area
2. Note valid file extensions
Click Start Upload and Save
[object Object]Do not leave the upload screen or close the browser window until the upload is complete.
Once uploaded the dataset will commence processing. The data state will show the current progress.
For larger datasets the processing progress bar will update regularly. Once completed, the state will change to complete, and a notification will show in the notification area.  
[object Object] If you selected to be notified when the dataset has finished processing, you will receive an email at this time.
To view the point cloud, click View